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Helping local authorities operate their park sites - Model One

Helping local authorities operate their park sites - Model One Local Authority owns and operates all activities, including court booking and coaching programme. Some local authorities may have a

Helping local authorities can effectively operate their park sites - Model Two

Helping local authorities can effectively operate their park sites - Model Two Local Authority owns courts booking opportunities and outsources the provision of a coaching programme. Some local

World Anti-Doping Agency Releases 2023 Prohibited List

World Anti-Doping Agency Releases 2023 Prohibited List The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published its 2023 Prohibited List which designates the substances and methods that are prohibited

Parks attraction and retention

Parks attraction and retention For tennis to thrive in park venues, it's vital that parks provide an opportunity to play that appeals to the players in their community. Attracting and

Council Minutes - 5 October 2022


Council Minutes - 5 October 2022


Schools To access free resources, teacher training and exclusive offers such as the Wimbledon Schools ballot, register via our LTA Youth Schools portal. By clicking the ‘Join LTA Youth

Visually impaired player & coach Frankie Rohan labels tennis a “game changer” as she reveals her story living with vision loss

Diversity and inclusion

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgir8r9F0Om/?hl=en-gb?utm_source=ig_embed&amp;utm_campaign=loading"

Box League Manager - How to enter a Box League.pdf



Paralympian Louise Hunt Skelley reflects on her playing career and new role as tournament director

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch9_-jLopGN/?hl=en?utm_source=ig_embed&amp;utm_campaign=loading"

9U & 10U National Tour Calendar 2023 (Jan-Apr).pdf



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