Dallington Lawn Tennis Club
0 Indoor Courts | 8 Outdoor Courts
About the venue
Our tennis club was established in 1886 and has enjoyed over 137 years of family tennis on its original site. The club has seven full size tennis courts and a mini court with a mixture of astro and hard surfaces. All of these courts enjoy flood lighting and are set within picturesque grounds.DLTC is a friendly club with lots of different social sessions throughout the week to meet peoples different levels and abilities. It has a strong team presence within the Northampton Lawn Tennis League. The club fields a number of competitive Ladies, Mens, Mixed and Veteran teams throughout the summer and winter seasons. Our club also hosts the most successful coaching team in the County, with many juniors from DLTC representing their County.
Dallington Lawn Tennis Club
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Dallington Lawn Tennis Club
Saturday 26th June 2021 - Ongoing
13:00 - 14:00
Class type: Beginner, Improver