The Coach Accreditation grace period is a 2-month window which begins the day your Accreditation expires. The purpose of the grace period is to allow you extra flexibility to obtain any outstanding pre-requisites, without having to complete a new DBS (if your current DBS is valid).
A grace period should be only used in exceptional circumstances; for example, if you missed a CPD course due to illness.
Please note that your insurance is not valid during your grace period and you are not considered a current member of Coach Accreditation during your grace period.
Access to benefits is reserved for current members of Coach Accreditation. Whilst some benefits may remain accessible e.g. if you have a web subscription on a separate platform, your insurance and access to discounts will not be available.
ClubSpark membership includes a grace period that is in-line with your membership i.e. you will lose access to ClubSpark services once your grace period ends.