Level 3 Tennis Coach - Gerrards Cross Tennis Club - Bull Lane.
- Individual coaching lesson rate minimum of £36 -£44 per hour.
- An abundance of individual coaching lesson opportunities.
- Including opportunity to fill off peak daytime hours as well as peak hours.
- Ability to finish coaching between 7.30-8.30pm.
- 15-20 hours of group coaching a week.High standard working environment including Claytex & Grass courts, a vibrant cafe and refurbished changing rooms.
- Frequent opportunities for Individual coach development.
- Visit the Court18 Tennis & Gxltc websites at www.court18tennis.co.uk & www.gxltc.co.uk
Court18 Tennis:
Has been established for over 6 years and operates a large adult and junior coaching programme for development and performance players with over 350 participants per week.
Gerrards Cross LTC boasts:
- 7 Claytex courts
- 3 Astro courts
- 7 grass Courts
- 8 of which are floodlit
- Mini Red Tennis court
- Vibrant Cafe open 7 days a week
- Club Bar
- Large Clubhouse with recently refurbished changing rooms
- Easy transport links to London
- Exemplary time management skills
- High level values and standards
- Excellent interpersonal communication, relationship building and teamwork
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Good organisational skills
- Minimum playing standard of adult team tennis