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LTA Youth Matchplay

A tennis coach and a group of kids posing and smiling with their tennis rackets on court

LTA Youth Matchplay is an exciting, engaging competition format designed to give players their first experience of individual competition. In 2-3 hour competitions players  compete in singles and doubles matches against players of a similar ability. There’s no overall winner, it’s about getting on court and having fun!

LTA Youth Matchplays can be delivered by coaches, competition organisers and referees. It’s a great way to enhance the competition programme on offer at your venue and give your players some competitive experience in a friendly environment, helping to retain them in the sport. You can utilise court time at quieter periods and could work with nearby venues to develop a circuit of Matchplay events.

You can run LTA Youth Matchplay competitions at any time and we have some great technology and resources to support you to deliver your events.


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