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We provide education to players to ensure that they are up to date with anti-corruption information and can make positive, informed decisions. As part of that education, we have developed a strategy with to integrate the anti-corruption message into key levels of a player’s personal development and throughout LTA Registered Venues.

Who do the anti-corruption rules apply to?

Players, family members, coaches, officials, agents, medical staff and tournament staff and any other person who receives accreditation could be covered by either the LTA Anti-Corruption Regulations or the ITIA TACP (professional tennis). You have the responsibility to be aware of and comply with the rules.


To help protect our sport you must report any knowledge or suspicions of corruption to the ITIA as soon as possible. Any information of this nature should be reported to the ITIA even if you feel that you don't have evidence to prove it.

Failing to report corrupt activity is an offence under the anti-corruption rules.

Report a concern


Find out everything you need to know about anti-corruption rules that apply to athletes and their teams.

Education resources

The ITIA has developed a range of information materials, which are available on its website.

As part of these resources, depending on your role in tennis you may be able to access a range of online e-learning courses on the Tennis Integrity Protection Programme (TIPP).

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