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Safeguarding Standards for Coaches working in LTA Registered Venues


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Updated April 2023

Since October 2022, it is mandatory for the following coaches to hold a valid LTA Coach Accreditation membership if they are leading coaching sessions independently:

  • Level 2-5 coaches 
  • Coaches with overseas coaching quallifications
  • Coaches with external UK tennis coaching qualifications
  • Anyone who is leading coaching activity at LTA Registered Venues

By holding a valid membership of LTA Coach Accreditation, coaches will have completed the required checks and training:

  • Safeguarding training
  • First aid training
  • Criminal record check (DBS or PVG for Scotland)

Coach Accreditation is industry-recognised and lets players, parents and employers know that you have met the above.

It is coaches' responsibility to purchase and maintain their LTA Coach Accreditation. 

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